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collection of notable things i have been responsible for

Posted on:January 1, 2099

the fish

A screenshot of the original twitter post by me, with an image of a carp and a prompt saying Tweet #carp

oh how wonderful, sending all of twitter into chaos. not even the internal teams knew what was up

There’s a gizmodo article: here and a KYM (ew gross) page here

pissing off catholics

a picture of a a trans flag held up in a crowd, getting weird looks from everyone :3c. photo taken by some transphobe and posted to own me I guess. I am not going to credit him


the best thing that came out of that was this news report by SIC, it was very nice of them to give me some air time: (CC available)

i was in the news again a couple months later.

photo of me holding up a sign saying FREE RUI PINTO with AP news watermarks

just for fun lol. reverse image search and youll find lots of articles with that image. thanks AP. more agencies took photos, that one is just the easiest for me to find

i take lots of pictures

thats it. check and (I can’t afford pro)

i have successfully made youtube videos for a niche that were also interesting for the masses

The full body tracking video I made in late 2021 was cool: I am kinda proud of it even though there’s a lot i would do differently if I were do do it now. I also made a sequel, though nowhere near as popular. I quite like it, I think it’s a very well made video :)

i cant remember anything else, I’ll be updating this though

You can keep up with me on twitter until it dies (soon, it seems). Alts on bluesky, masto, tumblr, email anything @ this domain.